Safari Park Tomorrow!

We made it to San Diego and are excited to run tomorrow’s Safari Park Half Marathon! I am especially excited because Kale, my sister-in-law Kelsie, and friends Andrea, Mike, Kira, Brian, and Molly are all running too! A fun gang for a fun race.

We picked up our packets at Road Runner Sports earlier this afternoon. There weren’t too many booths or things to do besides pick up our goodie bags or shop inside, but it was a little craaaazy inside with shoppers because we got some coupon to the store. We were supposed to sign a waiver but they ran out, and told me not to worry about it. I asked if THEY were worried about it, in the event that I was mauled by a tiger during the race with no signed waiver. I hope they know I was joking. If I am chased by a tiger, I am definitely PR-ing tomorrow.

Here’s the loot:


The plastic looking thing in the upper left is some mysterious item that says “put whole bag in microwave until warm.” I’m nervous…will report back later if I’m brave enough.